Kesha : Rainbow

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Kesha : Rainbow


The return of Kesha has been something that has excited fans and made them nervous. With ongoing legal and personal issues, there was concern about her new material. But with Rainbow Kesha has proved her naysayers wrong.

Rainbow could not be a more accurate title. Sonically the album jumps from horn driven pop to driving rock, and country ballads to emotional pop. Kesha also has some amazing support, with Eagles of Death Metal featuring on Let ‘Em Talk and the rock-rap tune Boogie Feet, to the orchestral Ben Folds produced title track, The Dap-Kings Horns on the anthem Woman and a duet with Dolly Parton titled Old Flames (Can’t Hold A Candle To You). The second half of the album takes a country turn with the weird but wonderful tracks, Godzilla and Spaceship closing the album.

With Rainbow, Kesha shows both her power and vulnerability, creating an album which acknowledges the complexities of humans while empowering women and the disenfranchised. Discussing themes both directly related to her situation and others more general. Kesha has crafted an album which creates a positive catharsis, while still taking the time to have fun. Rainbow is an exciting return which shows that power can be found in adversity.