Paul McDermott and Glenn Moorhouse are performing three shows in Melbourne next week

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Paul McDermott and Glenn Moorhouse are performing three shows in Melbourne next week

Words by Staff Writer

Daring and dangerous, and willing to dive head-first into topics most other comedians are afraid of touching, Paul McDermott's Blood Orange offers a dark antidote to this nervous, and over-protective era. This is a show that dances madly where other shows fear to tread. 

Paul McDermott’s Blood Orange is the third collaboration between writer/performer Paul McDermott and guitar/rock/god Glenn Moorhouse.

Paul McDermott’s Blood Orange

  • Three shows, April 4, 5 and 6
  • Brunswick Ballroom
  • Tickets here

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It’s the culmination of three years of intense study and personal observation. The previous Paul + 1 shows have been fixated on the implications and reactions to the pandemic (see Backstory). In 2023, finally freed from the claustrophobia of Covid and its all-invasive presence, Paul felt able to explore new and powerful territory.

Blood Orange tackles three large conceptual themes facing contemporary society; the fall of empire, the rise of women, and wanking (not necessarily in that order). From these broad, but deceptively simple topics, Paul has created a sonic hellscape of contemporaneous hilarity. This is a modern work for modern people that has appealed to both young and old.

Expect a carnival ride of the absurd, a feral outpouring of indignant rage at a broken system, and a sweet-voiced assault on hypocrisy, seamlessly executed by a swaggering idiot and his guitar-playing cocaine bear.

Tickets here