You’re probably already across some of Darren Cross’ previous musical output – do Gerling, The E.L.F. or Jep And Dep ring a bell?
As D.C Cross, he navigates “adventures into ecstatic guitar (and madcap ambient)”. Self-described as “an unfiltered artistic vision”, Cross composed, recorded, produced and even designed the artwork for Wizrad, his fourth record release under this solo instrumental folk moniker.
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Kind Neighbour Introduction – a super-cute, sneakily recorded endorsement supplied by a lady who overheard Cross practising in his backyard and popped in to see where the “beautiful” noise was coming from – opens proceedings. But aside from this charming skit, Wizrad (a title autocorrect hates, BTW) is entirely instrumental.
In the absence of words, and with nothing but titles (eg. A Harebrained Adventure Of An Amateur Shaman) to offer song-meaning clues, the listener’s imagination roams free. For moi, solo acoustic finger-picked guitar typically conjures pastoral landscapes. Cross also artfully incorporates some field recordings and, upon hearing Birdy Birdy, my dog bolted in from another room – wild-eyed, ears pricked up – in search of avian species. Elsewhere, the meditative drone of New Page and closer The Astral Plane – an appropriately titled ambient soundscape – are very namaste.
If you’re feeling a bit broken, we reckon Wizrad will sort you right out. A liberating listening experience that unleashes creative thinking.