First off, I’d say this The Experiment is a winner. Art vs Science have delivered an album suited for all kinds of different tastes. Opening with Finally See Our Way, the album is kicked off in an uplifting way, you may recognize this song off channel eleven’s recent promo’s for Smallville. Don’t be fooled, this song is not just any TV jingle; it’s plenty fun. Magic Fountain would be the most recognizable song, providing something to dance to, and a rather raucous chorus to jack your body to. Meteor (I Feel Fine) is an awesome instrumental track, providing some edgy dancey beats fit for any pre-party get-together. Heavy Night is a cool rocky sounding kind of song, reminds me of Pulp Fiction with it’s slinky riffs. The album finishes with a rather nice sounding song in Before You Came to This Place, this song will make you smile & is a pleasant finisher to a good album!