Yet another act in the burgeoning Australian avant garde experimental rock scene, Xenograft are a Melbourne band who are possibly even more idiosyncratic than most of their contemporaries in the genre. And that’s saying something.
You really have to admire artists such as these. They are immensely talented and skilled at what they do, and could probably write more commercially orientated ‘hits’ in their sleep. But they choose the far more difficult path, and create art that is so far from immediate and accessible that it’s not funny. No catchy vocal lines to get the undemanding music punter singing along. No simple grooves to get people tapping their feet. Exit is four instrumental tracks that take a bare minimum half dozen listens to even begin to get your head around, let alone fully appreciate. There is no real definable, easily digestible ‘style’ going here, just four pieces that take you on a sometimes crazy, sometimes ambient musical journey. The instrumentation and rhythms are highly unconventional, and happily so, however these guys know exactly what they are doing. Each track is written and executed with an absolute grasp of their art form.
This is music for the significantly left of centre mind. And if you are still reading this then that is probably you. I urge you to check this out.
Best Track : Pineal
In A Word : Masterful