Tom Waits : Bad As Me

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Tom Waits : Bad As Me


But despite his unpopularity among the many companies who have been sued by Waits (for using his music in ads, which he strictly forbids), he admits his grumpy old mannishness with a wink.

His new, 22nd album is titled Bad As Me, as is the first single. The song itself is sarcastic and exaggerated with daubs of slapstick sound behind Waits’ characteristic gravelly voice. Halfway through, Waits cackles like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

But, it’s the bluesy tracks like Kiss Me and the rock ‘n’ rolly Get Lost that are truest to Waits’ style, and are the backbone of the album. Few of the tracks are devoid of humour but some appear to be more poignant than others, like New Years Eve and Pay Me.

Bad As Me is essentially an accomplished musician doing whatever the bloody hell he wants. And his fans will love it.