The Count With… The Audreys

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The Count With… The Audreys


Tristan Goodall from The Audreys

Ten bands everyone should know about:
The Velocettes, The Yearlings, Dirty York, Graveyard Train, Pants Down Uptown (note: not a real band), Rich Davies and The Devil’s Union, The Wilson Pickers, The Flying Burrito Brothers, The Brothers Grimm, The Be Good Tanyas.

Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:
Friends x7 (note: not actually a food item), wine (note: not actually a food item), food.

Eight possessions that define you:
1974 Kombi, 1974 Fender Tele, 1974 Birth Certificate, my banjo, my suit collection, my ancient record player, my learjet (note: i don’t actually have a learjet), my books.

Seven favourite movies/TV shows that go on your mix-tape:
You can have movies on a mix-tape these days? Crikey, what will the kids think of next...Californication, The Thick Of It, Withnail And I, Basquiat, The Walking Dead, Evil Dead, Plight of the Pantless (note: not actually a movie or a TV show).

Six bad habits you can’t escape:  
Writing silly answers to Q&As, driving on the wrong side of the road, hanging my hat in inappropriate places, falling up stairs (seriously I do it all the time), leaving bottle tops in my pockets for so long they wear holes in my jeans, drinking.

Five people who inspire you:
Neil Young, Taasha from the Audreys, All Master Brewers, John Fogerty, Ned Kelly.

Four things that turn you on:
Writing answers to Q&A’s, White Russians (note: the beverage), records played loud in the morning, a cool breeze.

Three goals for your music:
Get covered by Gaga, get adapted for the lively stage musical version of Requiem For A Dream, get used in the soundtrack to the new super-hero movie Melancholy Man.

Two live gigs you’ll never forget and why:
Midnight Oil in 1990 outdoors in Adelaide – Peter Garrett swinging from the scaffolding in the middle of a thunder storm! Bruce Springsteen at Madison Square Gardens in New York.

One day left before the apocalypse and you…
Finish this Q&A.

When’s the gig / release?
Carnival of Suburbia, Oakleigh, on Sunday March 11.