Tequila Mockingbyrd: Fight and Flight

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Tequila Mockingbyrd: Fight and Flight


Tequila Mockingbyrd consists of three ultra-sassy Melbourne musicians slamming out their own take on loud, arse-kicking rock‘n’roll. No bullshit, just riffs, fat grooves and gutsy vocals. What could be better than that?

Opener I Smell Rock N Roll states the band’s purpose in no uncertain terms, slamming you in the face a number of times before settling into one of the most propulsive grooves you’ll ever hear. The album contains 13 tracks of dynamic and fun rock music, proving they can rock just as hard as anyone. But there’s some decent variation too. Take the moody, slow-burning groove of This Ain’t Dead, and at the opposite end of the scale, the happy shuffle of Jagerbomb, which almost comes across like an advertising jingle for said beverage.

What makes this so much fun, and what makes it stand out amongst the soundalike bluesy/hard rock crowd, is that there is as much influence from Blondie, T-Rex and New York Dolls as there is from AC/DC and Guns N Roses.

This band is absolutely slammin’ in a live setting too. Grab yourself a copy of Fight and Flight, and check out one of their live shows. If you like just about any kind of rock‘n’roll from the last 40 years, you’ll dig the hell out of this.