Rhymada Vs Glass Empire

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Rhymada Vs Glass Empire


Daz from Rhymada has some questions for Ben of Glass Empire

Where did the name Glass Empire come from?

“It came out of Damo’s subconscious, and we all thought it sounded fitting enough, so we took it. There were some pretty bad names on the list beforehand. That list has since been burnt and buried.”

Who are your favourite Australian bands at the moment?

“Karnivool are probably always going to be at the top of the list for me. Dead Letter Circus are pretty amazing, Closure In Moscow are ridiculously good, Sleep Parade are magic, and I’m keen to hear more from Floating Me. And Lebelle are amazing… soon to be massive.”

How long does it take for you to do your hair before a show?

“A run-through with the hands is all it takes, but if you get closer, you can see just how uncontrollable the hair is. Lately, it’s just being hidden under a beanie so I’m not eating it while singing.”

What the biggest most embarrassing fuck up you’ve experienced on stage?

“Forgetting words, having all of our pedals fail, playing so fast that words become gibberish and the music doesn’t make sense. I’m still waiting to trip over onstage; that’s coming at some point.”

Do you guys have a pre-show ritual?

“My pre-show ritual at the moment is walking around backstage trying to remember the words for the new songs. Damo generally avoids contact with people until after the set, Scott just chills out and Joel stands around looking handsome. There’s usually hugs and man love; we just try to relax and get into the mood.”

What should we expect from Glass Empire in the near future?

“We’re writing for our first EP at the moment, which we’re hoping to have completed in the next few months. Other than that, we’ll be embarking on a short tour to Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane in March, which we’re pretty excited for.”

Ben (Glass Empire) harasses Daz (Rhymada)…

Who/what inspired you to start the band?

“The lure of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll was far too tempting to turn our backs on! We saw a Karnivool show at the old Duke Of Windsor (R.I.P) about six years ago and that has inspired us ever since.”

How would you define your sound?

“We’d like to think our sound is strongly perched on the bridge between Australia’s progressive rock movement and America’s pop/rock scene. Catchy chorus hooks wrapped in a powerful yet polished sound.”

What’s the best show you’ve ever played?

“The best show would have to be a tie between supporting Dead Letter Circus last year and performing in front of a big crowd at Billboard.”

And what’s the worst show you’ve ever played?

“This too easy… Last year we had a late sound guy with no mics… A stage with no lights and a then right in the middle of our set a projection screen decided to lower itself right in front of Hux’s face perfectly topping off the worst gig ever.”

Who gets the most attention from the ladies?

“Our skinny little soccer-playing drummer Domy. Purely coz he plays with his top off. Ladies, if you’re interested in seeing the mighty physique of ‘The Dominator’, come down to The Evelyn this Saturday night.”

Where can I find your music?

Our tunes can be found on iTunes, Facebook, myspace and spun on Triple J. Just google Rhymada and you can’t go wrong.”

RHYMADA and GLASS EMPIRE will be taking over The Evelyn this Saturday January 22.