Red Light Riot : The Remains

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Red Light Riot : The Remains


The Remains packs one hell of a punch. The EP begins with All That Remains, a loaded track bursting with a heavy drum beat, hard-edged melodies and a clunky bassline. Frontwoman Kris Killriot’s beautifully raw and raspy vocals are delivered with a cool approach that manages to make even the screamed components seem marginally indifferent. This recurring theme makes the album very easy listening. We All Die Young is more fun – the dark undertones are delivered alongside a catchy, upbeat melody, earworm lyrics that get stuck in your head for days and a big dose of attitude.

Coming Up Roses, serves a much darker, heavier rock sound. It’s a blur of twangy guitar lines, smashing drum beats and masterfully abstract guitar solos. Don’t Go delivers a sense of nostalgia with its classic ‘90s punk rock sound. The track isthrashy, drum-heavy, fast-paced and chaotic, ending the album on a high note and leaving you wanting more.


The Remains is a succinct compilation of punk rock tracks with jagged melodies that are high-energy, in your face and catchy as hell. If your only real complaint about this album is that you wish it was longer, surely that’s a good thing.

By Kate Streader