Q&A: Dark Globes

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Q&A: Dark Globes



Dark Globes


Define your genre in five words or less:

Laid back, psychedelic, hypnotising.


So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

There’s some guy rolling around on the floor on stage over there.


How long have you been gigging and writing?

We’ve been gigging and writing music together for around 8 or 9 months, Curt and Oli had been writing some of the material for a while before that.

What has been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

At the National Hotel in Geelong. Was good fun playing to all our friends at the local and was the first gig where we set up a projector for our visuals.


Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

We wouldn’t really want to have a battle or showdown anybody. Music is an experience to be shared with others, it’s not a competition. So in saying that, if battle/showdown meant jam with, then probably Pink Floyd.


What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

You can probably hear a lot of influence in our music from the psychedelic bands from the ‘60s and ‘70s, and a few modern psychedelic bands like the Black Angels. But we take our inspiration from a tonne of different genres.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Bands that aren’t uptight and arrogant seem to get further in the industry. And bands that actually enjoy the music they’re playing also seem to get a lot more attention. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than watching a band that looks totally uninterested in the music that they’re playing.


Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?

We have a debut EP that we recorded just before we played our very first show.

You can buy it from us, or download it for free from our Soundcloud.  We’re just about to start recording our next release too, so keep your ears peeled.


Why should everyone come and see your band?

Because we will transport you back to a time when flower people frolicked. Come release the dirty hippy within.

When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc?

Pony on Thursday September 15