Northcote Gets NIFFTY

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Northcote Gets NIFFTY


The unique showcase presents a series of ever-chic musos decked out in clothes that can be found (and bought at discounted prices) from High Street stores. Each performer will be styled by NIFFTY coordinator and fashion stylist Solange Mardones.

Flaunting their wares on the NSC stage will be Gossling, Georgia Fields, Andrew Cox (The Fauves), Jen Cloher, The Wolfgramm Sisters, Angie Hart, Tracy McNeil, Jessica Says, The Barebones, Sweet Jean (Sime Nugent), Duke Batavia (Ben Birchall), Plus Sean M Whelan, as well as The all star NIFFTY house band – featuring Pete Luscombe (RockWiz & Paul Kelly’s Band), Ash Naylor (Even), Dan Luscombe (The Drones) and Bill McDonald (Paul Kelly’s Band). Melbourne media personality Clem Bastow will host the night.