Newton Faulkner : Write It On Your Skin

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Newton Faulkner : Write It On Your Skin


Perfect for Sunday listening, Newton Faulkner’s latest musical offering is a laidback album filled with catchy songs that showcase the strength of his guitar and vocal skills.

Write It On Your Skin is a relatively understated album, and there’s great power in its simplicity and the effortless way in which Faulkner conveys the message of each single without any musical clutter. Throughout the album, Faulkner lets his voice and his guitar shine through, with signature easy listening tracks like Against the Grain and Pulling Teeth. The CD’s title track, Write It On Your Skin, is an upbeat single that really kicks into gear at its chorus, complementing the acoustic sound of its catchy verses.

Each of the album’s sixteen singles carry a similar relaxed tone with their own distinct twist. Sugar In The Snow is a highlight, underpinned by a bit of a country vibe that really suits Faulkner’s vocals and gives this song its own unique feel. The six acoustic inclusions on the album are another great addition, featuring a pared back version of Dream Catch Me which is all the more powerful in its raw state, and is another definite highlight.

Overall, the simplicity of this album is its greatest strength, and Write it on Your Skin proves that Faulkner has the goods to keep producing some great tracks long into the future.



Best Track: Sugar In The Snow

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In A Word: Mellow