Mesa Cosa : Infernal Cakewalk

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Mesa Cosa : Infernal Cakewalk


This formidable debut is as picturesque as the moment you decided to shelf your first pill, swig the remaining dregs from last week’s goon bag, tonsil slap your best friends younger sister and donkey punch your way into the mosh pit. So, in layman’s terms, Infernal Cakewalk is one fuck-off debut! Mesa Cosa are six suburban rat bags thrown into a city of unknowns, living in (no doubt) dilapidated share houses with cheap drugs and shitty instruments. But fuck it, right? Especially if you’re slaying stages, your salivating groupies, yourself and that scuzzed up garage Mexican fiesta punk rock you can call your own.

Mesa Cosa wear their influences firmly on their sleeves and have no shame in projecting so. However, these seven tracks have more aggression and howl more from the bowel than any Lips, Sees and Lizard – so get over your comparisons, turn it up to 11 and punk the fuck out. Horns, jangly guitars, trashy cymbals and group vocals dominate every track and clarity certainly ain’t key here, but, you know, deal with it. Second track Shoplifter is a clear winner ’cause it makes you want to steal shit, and to be fair, it’s the only word I understood being sung the whole way through. Trashy party anthems at their finest. Don’t think, just move.


Best Track: Shoplifter
If You Like These, You’ll Like This: early Black Lips, Thee Oh Sees and King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard.
In A Word: Snort