Meat Wave : The Incessant

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Meat Wave : The Incessant


The Incessant follows two EPs and 2015’s Delusion Moon, and fans of Meat Wave will immediately note that their new release lacks a little of the flavour and likeability of previous releases. This change is understandable in the context of the album. The Incessant comes as a response to frontman Chris Sutter exiting a relationship that lasted over a decade, and the fallout of the break-up is felt throughout.

The feeling from track to track is as a series of ups-and-downs, betraying a volatility of emotion and pulling the listener along on that journey. It should go without saying that The Incessant is best listened to as a whole.

As with previous Meat Wavereleases, Sutter’s vocals are a real highlight. Sutter brings this to new heights in No Light, which features a captivating, melancholic chord progression and persistant percussion underlying his emotionally charged vocals. Most memorable are those moments when the palpable anxiety is brought to a head. Of particular note is the short-but-sweet Mask, and the wall of sound dominating the finale, Killing the Incessant. Overall, The Incessant is an intensely relatable album. While certain tracks would be much improved by a catchier hook, there is a pay-off in the climactic build of the album.

By Sam Gaffney