Last King of Vaudeville

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Last King of Vaudeville


Tell us about your show. This solo variety show aims to be more than just entertainment. It explores the differences in entertainment through the ages, promoting conversation about modern technology and our addiction to instant gratification. It’s chainsaw juggling, stand-up comedy and classical vaudeville all in one.

What’s your signature approach to performing? Since I was young I was always driven to make people laugh. In this show, my signature is to write comedy that makes us all laugh without it ever being at the expense of anyone. I think there are enough comedians in the world that are the ‘I’ll say anything’ kind of guy.

Tell us about the lighting and set design. We’ve tried to make this show a blend of old-time variety theatre and an ’80s glam rock party. It’s always nice working alongside lighting freakazoid and designer Frank from AfterDark Theatre. We like to use a combination of lighting and sound to pull our audiences into our little vaudevillian world.

Who are your biggest influences? Last year I was lucky enough to complete a comedy writing workshop with Tim Ferguson. I have always been inspired by Tim’s work and it was great to learn his process and to develop a process of my own. Since the workshop, I have performed stand-up in three different countries and across Australia. I was also lucky enough to work alongside Tim at the Wogga comedy festival.