Benny Walker

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Benny Walker


What are you most looking forward to about Wominjeka Festival? I’m really excited to be a part of celebrating our culture with a diverse audience. Also, there’s nothing like playing an outdoor festival on a sunny day.

How and why have you found that expressing yourself through music is an integral part of the way you interact with the world? I don’t know who I’d be without music and I’m so glad that I found it early in life. I can’t really explain it, but there’s this innate urge inside of me that has to create.

You’ve played with the likes of Archie Roach and Blue King Brown. When you’re sharing an experience, do you find any striking differences or similarities? I definitely try to take something away from all of those experiences. These people have made great careers for a reason and they all have different strengths.

How do you find performing a solo acoustic set versus the experience of performing with your band? Solo and band environments are different. When it’s just my guitar and I, I get to take the songs back to where they came from. With the band I get to move differently within the songs as a guitar player and a singer. When I perform, it will always come from the same place, but depending on the environment it can project in really different ways.