60 Seconds With…Louis Goutos from Sienna Wild

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60 Seconds With…Louis Goutos from Sienna Wild


So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?

We’re Sienna Wild. I’m Louis Goutos on bass and vocals, and there’s Jon Giokas on guitar and Jason Edwards on drums.


What do you reckon people will say you sound like?

No-nonsense rock’n’roll. A mix between Kings of Leon and Arctic Monkeys and Band of Skulls. We’re influenced by a lot of ‘70s rock like Led Zeppelin, The Who, AC/DC, Fleetwood Mac and Neil Young, as well as ‘90s rock like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, RHCP and Soundgarden.

What do you love about making music?

I love how you can express yourself by making a sound that is entirely your own. It is a very natural, almost tribal process. I love playing in a room with really talented musicians and creating something that only we can understand and we can control. It’s like you have a secret that no one else knows. I love how sometimes the only way to explain it is to do it, and even then some people still won’t ever get it.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

I would probably show Jimmy Page our stuff. Once I gathered all the courage I had, I would play him our stuff and just tell him how much we listen to his band and how much we respect his music. Then I would ask for some advice on the music and the industry, and then run away like a nervous schoolgirl. But I’d be really cool about it.


If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

I wouldn’t want to assassinate anyone in particular, rather organize a plane crash deep in the Pacific. On board would be ‘the Beibs’, the lovely lads from One Direction and maybe the guy who did Gangnam Style.


What can a punter expect from your live show?

A punter can expect a high energy, compelling rock’n’roll show. Big vocals, loud drums, scorching guitars and some fat bass. You know, like the good ol’ days.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

Our latest single My Parade is ready to launch, plus our self-titled album.