The B.East’s 4th Birthday

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The B.East’s 4th Birthday


Hey there. Who are we speaking with and what do you do at The B.East?

Hania Glapa, event creator and beer puller at The B.East.

Rumour has it that your fourth birthday bash on Saturday July 2 will be a circus spectacular. Tell us all about it.

We’ve lined up escape artists, some hula burlesque, fortune tellers, rolla bolla balancers and human blockheads to break up performances from DJ Mojo Juju, The Meltdown and The Bombay Royale.

That’s quite a lineup, tell us more.

We put our heads together and wanted to invite bands and DJs we collectively have enjoyed and who [will] bring the circus vibe. DJ Mojo Juju will open the night, she spins voodoo boogie, The Meltdown are an eight-piece soul party and The Bombay Royale have been described as ‘Eurovision on acid in Mumbai’, which I think may say it all.

It’s hard to believe The B.East has been around for four years now. What’s been your proudest moment since working there?

Not to sound cheesy but I’m proud of everything. I think we’ve created a pretty unique environment against a burger crazed Melbourne landscape by fusing it with good bands, good booze and good people.

You’ve teased that you’ll be providing free mini burgers and the cheapest drinks in town. This is a big claim to stake, how cheap are we talking here?

10 or so of our favourite breweries and purveyors of delicious liquors have jumped on board to sponsor our birthday party, and they want us to have a (really) good time. Let’s just say a fiver will get you what you’re looking for, and there’ll be free roving B.East sliders all night, no catch.

Tell us why we should come down and celebrate The B.East’s fourth birthday.

It’s a big free party with some of the best bands, booze and burgers Melbourne has, and you’ll have an excuse to wear creepy clown garb or a sequined leotard in public while drinking beer and shooting dirt cheap picklebacks.