Yep, Liam Gallagher is playing a gig from a barge travelling down the River Thames

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Yep, Liam Gallagher is playing a gig from a barge travelling down the River Thames

Image by Dan Soderstrom
Words by Tom Parker

Because of course he is!

I’m not even going to include much of a preamble here because you all know who Liam Gallagher is and you all know what he’s capable of.

For his next extravagant venture, LG and his band will play a livestreamed show from a barge coasting down the River Thames. Going down on Sunday December 6 from 8pm AEDT, the set will see Gallagher perform a bunch of his solo classics, alongside treats from the Oasis stable – some of which he hasn’t played in years.

He’s called it Down By The River Thames. Don’t miss it.

Down By The River Thames goes down on Sunday December 6. Grab tickets here.

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