Wingman Vs. Cloud City

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Wingman Vs. Cloud City


Wingman questions Cloud City:

Tell us about your name, Wingman…are you guys ultimate wingmen, a la Hamish and Andy in New York, or are you more of the aeronautical type of Wingman? And if you’re the ultimate wingman type, who in the band gets the most ladies?

Well, we are all trained fighter pilots. That’s actually how we met; in pilot school, but we’d much rather be playing gigs and meeting new faces! As for the ladykiller? Brett seems to know how to woo all the girls away from the rest of us.

How do you guys warm up before a show?

We normally do some light stretches, rub Deep Heat on each other and yell really loud while bumping into each other. Then if we have time we might have a cheeky beer or three and watch some of the other killer bands!

How did you meet? 

Apart from pilot school, we also knew each other mutually through Dean. After Brett returned from America, Dean, Brett and Mitch began to have some jams which led to various other activities; such as meeting Carl and writing some songs!


Do any of your parents look like a member of one of your favourite bands? If so which one?

Dean- I wish my dad looked more like Dave Grohl – or even better, was Dave Grohl (sorry Dad). Back in his days of playing in bands he definitely had a bit of Jimmy Page swagger about him. Long curly locks, flares, boots and a pirate shirt.

Mitch – My Dad is a dead ringer of Eric Clapton. He is really laid back loves to whip out an acoustic guitar and even has the growth, glasses and a tidy sweater like the great man himself!

Cloud City questions Wingman:

Cloud City is a pretty cool name for a band! How did this come about?

After a late night brainstorming session, we hit upon the idea of taking inspiration from our favourite movies. Being a bunch of geeks, Star Wars inevitably came up. “Cloud City” was chosen because it sounded cooler and suited the mood of the band a bit better than the other suggestion at the time, which was “Imperial Glory”.

Are there other artists that you take inspiration from when performing and writing songs?

In a word there’s many – Deftones for rhythm, Queens Of The Stone Age and Soundgarden for riffs, Alice in Chains for vocal harmonies, Nine Inch Nails for vocal melodies over dark music, you can tell we grew in the ‘90s hey?

If you guys had a choice of playing at any music festival in the world, which would it be?

If we had a time machine, perhaps The Big Day Out in 1994…would have been great to share a stage Soundgarden, Bjork, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Ramones, and Shihad.
Anything held at The Gorge Amphitheatre just outside of Seattle. Look it up on the net, it’s like the Meredith supernatural amphitheatre on horse pills! Or Fuji Rock!
If you were allowed only ONE song on your iPod/phone for 1000 years what would it be?

David Hasslehoff’s Looking for Freedom. Or Gett Off by Prince.

Wingman launch their single alongside Cloud City, Shadowthief and Dylan Hammond at Revolver Upstairs this Saturday September 24.