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Who are we chatting to? Hey, I’m Maz from WAAX.


What do you reckon people will say you sound like? Hard to tell the legitimacy of such comments when they’re mostly said by drunk people, but there’s the usual YYY’s, Hole etc etc. I like to think we have our own thing goin on.


What do you love about making music? It’s the only place where I can completely be myself and the Aussie music community is really tight and supportive. I love writing because it’s an emotional release. I love performing because that’s where I feel the most safe and comfortable with myself.


What do you hate about the music industry? There are a few things I hate. There’s a lot of hierarchy within the industry and usually the actual artists are at the bottom of the food chain. There are many people you can trust, but many you can’t. You can feel exploited at times and a lot of music media online is clickbait or word for word press releases called ‘articles’. Am I bitter? Nah just lightly salted.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be? Well I’m kinda obsessed with ‘70s CBGB-era New York. I’d show it to anyone in that era and they’d probably hate it, or pretend to like it?


If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why? Ah I dunno. If I absolutely had to, it would probs be Maroon 5, or Imagine Dragons or something like that.


What can a punter expect from your live show? They can expect lots of yells, hair and awkward banter. And ladies up the front. And moderate chaos.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise? Glad you asked. We don’t have any CDs. We do have our latest EP on vinyl though.


Anything else to add? The situation on Manus Island is a humanitarian crisis that we need to address. Thanks for having me.