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Merill Garbus, the band’s eclectic front woman, believes that visual expression is paramount for tUnE-yArDs and that bright colours and boldness correspond with what their music wants to do. She runs through what punters can expect from their upcoming gigs. “There’s going to be a lot of insanity. We have a really strong live show; we’ve honed it. We now have two back up singers in addition to me, and then a percussionist, and it’s pretty incredible how much we all intersect. It’s hard music to make look easy and relaxing, but that’s what we are trying to do.”

It’s fair to say that relaxing is not exactly what they were doing in the lead-up to recording the album, having sought out the help of two of the industry’s most respected producers to refine the band’s earlier sounds. John Hill (Rihanna, M.I.A.) and Malay (Frank Ocean, Alicia Keys) taught Garbus and her long time collaborator Nate Brenner how to get people moving. “I wanted to make a dance album; I wanted to make people shake. The reason why we brought in producers for help is because they have the inside scoop about what makes dance music and radio pop work.”

The tUnE-yArDs’ sound definitely has the ability to get people up and out of their seats. Listening to tracks featuring layers of repetitive drumming like the personality packed Water Fountain, it’s almost impossible not to want to throw shapes wherever you are. “Nate comes from a jazz background and I come from a more DIY background. We learnt about the really deep synth and sub harmonic sounds and drum machines and some other really technical tricks of the trade,” says Garbus.

Even with the help of some big-wig producers, Garbus has her own ideas on how the process of making her version of pop music has developed since tUnE-yArDs was born. “I think for me of course it’s hard to have perspective on what I am doing sometimes. I’m just following my nose, but I’ve been told that it sounds crisper and more refined. I still like to think that it’s got a lot of rough edges – an abrasiveness that’s intentional. It’s gone from being a really low fi project to having the lower fi elements being a part of the overall sound and we have been lucky enough to record with amazing engineers, too. I feel more like a composer now. The early years were pretty simple and I feel like I have a broader confidence now,” Garbus admits.

But it’s not only their music that has undergone a transformation, as Garbus opens up about the personal challenges she’s dealt with on a parallel to her music. “You know I used to wear all black? I think as part of tUnE-yArDs, I’ve really enjoyed coming into my body more. My body was always a source of pain and shame for me for a lot of my life and it’s been great to become bolder.”

A common thread throughout their music videos are colour, movement and energy – three elements that she exudes perfectly in her own personal style. “I looked in the mirror the other day at this crazy clashing outfit that I had on and thought, ‘That just make me happy; it gives me energy looking at it’. And that’s the bonus of being a rock star. I can get away with anything,” recounts Garbus.

Although tUnE-yArDs are in the midst of an exhausting touring schedule, they try to remember that this lifestyle won’t last forever. It truly seems that Garbus has full grasp on just how amazing this opportunity is. “Being at home and writing an album for a year has really made it clear what a privilege it is to be able to travel internationally and be witness to other people’s lives first hand. For me, that is really priceless information,” she explains.

Having visited our Antipodean shores before, the band are well versed in where to find a delicious kangaroo steak and that’s at the top of their to-do list during their one scheduled day off in Sydney. But it’s not just our unique culinary delights Garbus wants to sample. This time, a spot of retail therapy is also on the cards. “There’s an Australian designer, I forget the name, one of our band members Jo loves. She definitely has her eye on their stuff. Apparently they make clothes with sequined eyeballs all over them?” an inquisitive Garbus noted. Upon learning that the name of their new fashion designer crush was in fact local fashion label Discount Universe, Garbus excitedly fan-girled, saying, “Yes! That’s it! Can you hook us up? We’ve been ogling their stuff for a while now, so can you tell them we are huge fans?”