There’s a free ’90s-themed pop-up coming to Swanston St this week

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There’s a free ’90s-themed pop-up coming to Swanston St this week

Throwback lounge

It'll be a blast from the past.

Millennials, have you been feeling a little nostalgia for your glory days? Well, toss on your denim overalls and smear on some frosted eye shadow, because we’ve got just the fix for you.

From May 27 to June 3,  67 Swanston St will become a time machine taking you all the way back to the ’90s. The Throwback Lounge invites guests to come on in and experience all of the pop culture prowess the decade had on offer.

The Throwback Lounge

  • The ’90s-themed pop-up will run at 67 Swanston St from May 27 to June 3
  • It’ll feature classic snacks, arcade games and music
  • Entry is free, but VIP skip-the-line passes are on sale non

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

Take a selfie in front of the colourful cereal wall before sampling a bowl for yourself. They’ll have more than 30 famous flavours from all over the world that you can mix and match in a double-scoop combo.

Top it off with some milk and you’re good to go (but unlike in the ’90s, there will be non-dairy milk options that aren’t just soy). If your sweet tooth still isn’t satisfied, they will also be dishing out milkshakes, fairy bread and pop-tarts, as well as a few other gems.

And what kind of ’90s party would it be without the music? They’ll be blasting out iconic tracks all day long from the massive boom box.

To keep you busy, the walls will be lined with free-to-play classic video games including Street Fighter, Daytona and Mario Kart. Ditch the PS4 and try your hand at video games the old-fashioned way – jiggle a joystick, press a few buttons, and don’t let those ghosts catch you.

The Throwback Lounge is looking like it’ll be quite popular, so if you want to skip the line, they’re selling $20 VIP tickets that also give you a credit towards food once you’re inside.

For more on the ’90s Throwback Lounge running from May 27 to June 3, head here