The Tool Time House Band

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The Tool Time House Band


Who are we chatting to and what do you do in the band? You’re chatting with all three members of the house band from the fictional show Tool Time, as featured in Tim Allen’s long running sitcom, Jungle 2 Jungle.


What do you reckon people will say you sound like? A band that has backed themselves into a corner by choosing a ridiculous novelty name.


What do you love about making music? Getting compliments.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be? Peter Allen to tell him to be more like Tim Allen.


What can a punter expect from your live show? They’ll cop a whole lot of us — three best friends who are all very smart geniuses and also polite and nice — singing songs that ask the big questions: What are some good weekly titles to rent from Video Ezy? Why aren’t you following us on Twitter already?


Whatve you got to sell CD-wise? The only recordings we have are on our phones so please bring your laptop, smart phone or Wi-Fi enabled tablet to a show and we’ll AirDrop them to you.