The Indigo Children, July 29, The Evelyn

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The Indigo Children, July 29, The Evelyn


He had had quite the unfortunate day and torn a stack of muscles in his neck though in true rock style was in no way keen to back down from the launch that night and assured me it was going ahead no matter how well meds mixed with alcohol.


Rocking up to the screeching megaphone vocal and face scorching tones of Sydney’s Stone Parade really set the tone. They definitely had the energy to fill the standing room only dance floor and proved  how solid they are live. With catchy hooks and such an obviously broad range of influences they have something for everyone. Definitely worth catching live with Mr Spaceman and Black Dove White Heart completely taking over the room.   


The stage was set and to start off The Indigo Children played the video clip to there new single, Between The Lines. Definitely worth a watch! The projector screen rose to a three man drum solo which instantly grabbed the attention of all before they erupted into a set of classic rock licks and catchy originals. Often bands are afraid to play such a straight up rock sound because I mean who really wants to compete with the greats! But The Indigo Children put a fresh spin on this and really hold their own within the Melbourne rock scene.  


Loved: Three man drum solo


Hated: Expensive drinks.


Drank: Far too little.