The Barons Of Tang : Tour Diary Part 3

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The Barons Of Tang : Tour Diary Part 3


Today a B17 “flying fortress” aircraft crashed about a kilometre away from where we were sleeping and in Chicago our trailer got stolen containing the better part of our backline (drums, PA, bass rig and a guitar amp). BUT! America being a land of contrasts, we find ourselves chanting to Frank Zappa’s American Dream doing 20 k’s in ol’ midnight blue enjoying the fine weather in one of America’s most stunning traffic jams.

No, but seriously folks, The Barons Of Tang would like to take a moment to mention the talented and inspiring musicians that we’ve met. First of all: a big thank you to Di Nigunim (pronounced dee nigoonum) our touring partners and brothers in drunkenness, probably the most peace-loving Anarcho-klezmer crusties you’ll ever set ears on and the guys we owe the whole organisation of this tour to. Then there’re the Wolves At Glenrowan, a Ned Kelly-obsessed folk punk duo that have ended up coming along for the party times and a few extra gigs. The Hail Seizures are a straight ahead punk busking band using leadbelly guitars, violin and a drumkit made from an old suitcase to play the most energetic acoustic music I’ve ever heard. Last but not least our new friends Alas, Alas who make beautiful, folky, punk originals and even more beautiful vegan tacos.

Well, that’s it from us. We’ll probably be writing more about our travels on so don’t be a stranger now.

Oh, and P.S. you can download Di Nigunim’s new album at

Miss yuz!