Strangers : Mirrorland

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Strangers : Mirrorland


Mirrorland was born out of a very dark place, and is the result of some deep emotional turmoil experienced by some of Strangers’ band members during the writing and recording process. This theme becomes increasingly evident via moody melodies and raw, cutting lyrics that feature consistently throughout.

First track God Is In My Head sets the tone for the album; with a concoction of doom, despair and paranoia, that is cemented with a hammering drum beat. Mirrorland is also rich with catchy rhythms and choruses. This is illustrated by tracks such as Fear of Nothing, that delivers layers of electrifying melodies that work together in creating a satisfying sense of organised chaos. Deserving a special mention for being by far the gutsiest track on the LP, Hex Mob introduces itself with a screamed ‘F*ck you c*nt’ before blaring out a fast beat, rocking chorus and a walloping serve of attitude.  

While Mirrorland is mostly made up of fast and hard rock tracks, The Wall offers a more subdued tone, displaying soft vocals and a comparatively gentle melody. As a whole, the album is a wilderness of stinging rock riffs, dark lyrics and heavy drum beats.

By Kate Streader