Strangers for Sale

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Strangers for Sale


Who are we chatting with and what do you do in the band? My name is JJ Merrick and I’m the drummer and a lead vocalist of Strangers For Sale.


What do you reckon people will say you sound like? I think people will say we sound a little bit like Arctic Monkeys and a little like RHCP. We’re very bass riff-orientated and we also have two lead vocalists, myself and Leigh, our rhythm guitarist.


What do you love about making music? I love the creativity of it and being able to share a story with people and connecting through that. Music touches everyone in some way or another and being a part of that makes me feel amazing.


What inspires your music most? My inspiration is a lot of my own personal experiences. Putting that to music makes it an unbelievably therapeutic outlet.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why? A big one for me would be George Harrison. He was a huge inspiration to me growing up and I idolised his voice and ability to tell a story. ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ is a perfect song to me. Also I named my first cat after him which I think he would think is cool.


What can a punter expect from your live show? A whole lot of energy and a whole lot of love.