So then, w hat’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?
The band name is Shaun Kirk and well… I am the band! I’m a one man blues/soul show. I sing, play guitar, harmonica and 6 different percussive sounds on my feet all at the same time!
What do you reckon people will say you sound like?
I get told a lot of different things… Some of my big influences are Tony Joe White, Howling Wolf, Lloyd Spiegel, Collard Greens & Gravy, Jeff Lang and Ray Charles.
What do you love about making music?
The freedom, the experimenting, the fact that you can never stop learning.
What do you hate about the music industry?
Not a lot really… It’s been pretty kind to me so far. I guess if I had to say something it would some of the over produced pop music that floods the airwaves these days…
If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?
That’s a tough one. Maybe Muddy Waters or John Lee Hooker but I would definitely be shitting myself! Those guys are the kings!!!
If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?
If I could assassinate one I’d have to go on an assassination spree I think. One just wouldn’t be enough… haha
What can a punter expect from your live show?
A lot of fun and energy! And hopefully a lot of confusion as to how all that sound is happening! I haven’t played a Melbourne show since back in March and have been on the road ever since so I have plenty of new songs and tricks to show all the Melbournites!
What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?
At the moment I have my 2010 release “Cruisin” available at all my show and on iTunes. But I’m currently recording my first full length album which is due for release in December!
When’s the gig and with who?
This Saturday 23rd July at the Union Hotel, Brunswick!!! It’s gonna be a bit of a party to celebrate my return after 4 months of touring up to Cairns and Darwin and everywhere in between! Jules Boult will be opening up the night! Its gonna be a cracker!!!
Anything else to add?
See you there!