Since releasing his debut album In The Lonely Hour in 2014, the man has won four Grammys, a Golden Globe and sung a James Bond theme song. Really, when you think about it, it’s probably okay for him to totally check out of the music industry after achieving so much. On The Thrill Of It All however, he ups the ante once again. The lyric delivery throughout is heartfelt, and the falsetto is enough to turn anyone’s heart to butter.
‘Say It First’, has some electronic elements in the vocal melodies and showcases his ability to belt out a cinematic pop track. Two of Smith’s biggest influences are Adele and Amy Winehouse and in ‘One Last Song’you can definitely hear a soulful R&B vibe in the horn and string sections.
Every song on ‘The Thrill Of It All’is a suave soulful affair and would be the perfect soundtrack for a dinner party or if you’re trying to charm a date. If there’s an album this year that’s going to strike a heavy hit to your emotions through its songwriting this is it. Mr Smith, you’ve done it again.