Rock The Bay At The Espy

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Rock The Bay At The Espy



The organiser of these events, Saltar Hype, has been putting it on for five years now, and it seems they just keep getting bigger and better. This year the lineup got a little more high profile, and this couple with the beautiful balmy Melbourne late summer evening brought the rock punters out in force.


Having had a very busy day, I was very disappointed to arrive to find I’d just missed The Tim McMillan band. He always puts on a very entertaining show. But my disappointment was quickly washed away as the mighty Bellusira took the stage in the Gershwin Room. Unveiling a new guitarist, they have actually dropped back from a twin guitar band to a single six stringer, but it doesn’t appear to have affected their sound whatsoever. In fact, their sound seems to be even bigger than it was, as was their performance and stage presence. An exciting way to start my evening’s entertainment.


Sub Atari Knives were next in the main bar, and these guys are pretty unique. Consisting of just a vocalist, bassist, drummer and some subtle but creative sampling, they put on a streamlined but completely crazy show, with lots of onstage movement. They haven’t been around long, but they’re certainly ones to watch.


Some unfortunate timing saw Floating Me clash with 12 Foot Ninja, which saw me rotating between the two. The former were typically dark and gloomy, with the drumming of the now legendary Lucius Borich always a treat. The latter were as fun as Floating Me were dark, with their powerhouse funk and ska inspired alternative heavy rock blowing the massive crowd away.


A lengthy wait ensued before the main event took the stage, but it was worth every second. Dead Letter Circus get better every time I see them, and to experience them in the relatively intimate surrounds of the Espy front bar was just phenomenal. They were in red hot form this evening, and the sweaty crowd bounced and heaved in response. Riveting stuff.


On my way out, my eyes and ears were drawn to the band playing late on the main bar stage. I, Said The Sparrow are difficult to describe –ultra high energy pop/punk may suffice, but I don’t want to conjure images of Green Day or their ilk. Ultimately they were absolutely mad, ridiculously tight and loads of fun, and inspired me to stay til the end of their set.


Previous Rock the Bays have been awesome, but the 2012 version stepped it up another notch. An epic night.




LOVED: A hot, sweaty, drunken evening of powerful rock.

HATED: That I had to go home.

DRANK: Boags.