‘Rage’ is airing a special episode dedicated to Victorian musicians this weekend

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‘Rage’ is airing a special episode dedicated to Victorian musicians this weekend

Photo by Ellen Virgona
Words by Kate Streader

The episode will be titled To Melbourne, With Love.

With Victorians currently facing the strictest lockdowns in the country, the ABC’s beloved music program Rage is bringing forward its Melbourne Music Week special episode To Melbourne, With Love to celebrate the music that has come out of this city and state across the years.

Airing on Saturday August 22, the episode will feature hours of songs written by bands who have called Victoria home at one stage as well as music videos set in this great state. You can expect to see film clips from the likes of Amyl & The Sniffers, Archie Roach and Paul Kelly, Crowded House and East Brunswick All Girls Ghoir.

“With the whole state of Victoria struggling on with varying levels of restrictions, and Melbourne halfway through their six-week stage four lockdown, we wanted to show our support by dedicating a whole show to the Victorian artists who have given us so much throughout the years,” said Rage in an official statement.

“Now, we were going to wait until Melbourne Music Week this November to air this particular special, but we figured our Victorian comrades could use this episode now more than ever. So, get your Melburnian mates on video chat, remind them you care, and tune in to rage to watch music videos written about the wonderful Australian state, plus hours of songs written by bands who have at some point called Victoria home.”

Watch RageTo Melbourne, With Love on Saturday August 22 from 11am or 11:50pm on ABC TV. 

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