Q&A: Sunset Blush

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Q&A: Sunset Blush


Define your genre in 5 words or less:

Purpleslam…it’s a revolution!

What do you love about making music?

Slamming it, and the freedom of creating and hopefully not being sued!

Which band would you love to have a showdown with?

Claude Debussy, Jimi Hendrix and Jonathon ‘Sugarfoot’ Moffatt. That’d be


Describe the best gig you’ve ever played.

I was playing some of my keyboard remixes and I had a few couples

grinding, dry-humping, getting’ jiggy with it in front of the stage. The best

compliment I ever got! Heh!

If someone made a movie about your life, who would play you?

Chris Rock or my twin brother Antonio Banderas! One of those guys would be able

to tell it how it is!

What can a punter expect from your live show?

Jamming and purpleslamming it. And plenty of songs in the key of the king of cheese George Michael.

Do you have any releases to date? What are they? And where can I get them?

My current release is Purpledomination. Look up Sunset Blush on iTunes and Facebook.

When’s the gig and with who?

This Saturday September 22 at 5pm at The Brunswick Hotel. Sunset Blush with Renae Brennan, Sarah Jean and Bronnie Coull.