Q&A: Stonefield

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Q&A: Stonefield


Your name:



What is your spirit animal?

According to Sarah (keys) and Holly (bass), my spirit animal is a black cat because I’m dark and mysterious.  


Which animal in the zoo do you think is the most misunderstood and why?

Snakes. I think everyone just sees them as slimy things that bite you! They are known to only attack humans when they are threatened or surprised which is fair enough.

Which animal do you think best represents your music and why?

An eagle. They are powerful, free and strong.


Which animal have you always wanted as a pet?

A pig. They are just so cute, smart and different.    


Do you have anything special planned for your Zoo Twilights show?

Not yet, but it would be pretty cool to have an orangutan join us on stage. Or maybe we might do a cover of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I guess we’ll see.