Q&A: Band Of Frequencies

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Q&A: Band Of Frequencies


Define your genre in five words or less: 
Progressive Roots Rock


What do you love about making music?

Flashes of inspiration that then become songs. Locking into improvised grooves with good mates whilst taking people on an exploratory journey. I also love that through being an independent recording artist you get to have a go at almost every creative medium. Visual art, photography, film, graphics, writing, clothing – the list is only limited by our imagination. And time. Oh yeah..and budget..Ha.


What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Apart from listening to all of the artists I’ve grown up with, the main influence for me is just staying true to my instincts. Living whole-heartedly. Living close to the ocean, knowing the tides and reading the weather. I definitely get inspired by throwing myself in the deep end whether that be in love or in the sea.


So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

My shout! Tequila shots all round! Come and check out this band.

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

We released our second studio album Rise Like the Sun last October through Vitamin Records and we have been touring the nation bringing it to the people ever since. Finally it’s time to come down and hang out in Melbourne!

When’s the gig and with who?

We are playing on Saturday January 19 at The Workers Club with our good friends Saritah and El Moth. We are also at Veludo in St. Kilda on Thursday January 17 plus a secret gig on Tuesday January 22.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

In the immortal words of The Winnie Coopers, “I guess that depends how you measure success”. I reckon you have to grow your own vegies. Stay in touch with the family. Appreciate your good health. Accept the fact that we can’t please everyone so just make music we like to play. Stay true to our intuition and resist the urge to compare our lives with others. My Father always said, “If you are constantly looking sideways at someone else’s life you’re not looking where you are going.”