Q & A With Nikko

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Q & A With Nikko


Define your sound in five words or less.

Electric, dynamic, cosmic, tragic.

Someone is walking past as you’re playing, they get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

These guys remind me of a dream where I was surrounded by demons. They were nasty and malicious, but no one cared and we were all enjoying ourselves.

And how do they dance?

Tribally, spraying the beer through their teeth.

How long have you been gigging and writing?

Six years!

What’s been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

We had a break for four months last summer. Our first show back was at Sun Distortion (a warehouse in Brisbane) and it was a massive night. All the important things aligned and it just worked.

What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Hearing incredible musicians, good song-writing and witnessing the energy of a great performance.

Favourite piece of on-stage banter, or fan-related craziness?

The whispers between members on stage. When a band-mate turns to you and says “I’m about to throw-up” in the middle of an ever-accelerating psych-crescendo, you know you’ll be telling your kids about it.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Write good songs, play good shows, never relent.

Do you have any releases to date? What? Where can I get it? Is it good?

We’ve just released 7″ single About the Spirit/Smoke Alarms, which features two songs from our upcoming second full-length. It’s the best incarnation of Nikko yet. Check it out at nikko.bandcamp.com.

Why should everyone come and see you?

They’ll love it! It’s physically and psychically powerful.