W hat do you reckon people will say you sound like?
“We all agreed with alternative/hard rock. We all have different tastes in the band and find it hard to specify a genre, and I mean that in the most humble way.”
What do you love about making music?
“Being proud of an awesome song, playing live, sharing the sound of the music and being one with the crowd. That and making a clown of myself on stage, ala Devin Townsend. Also Michael Bay.”
What do you hate about the music industry?
“Back stabbing, bands that don’t repay favours, who you know not what you know and Michael Bay.”
If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?
“Well for me personally, Dimebag Darrell. I never got to see him live or meet him, so picking him would be amazing. As I have already met Ace Frehley, I needed to go with the second in command.”
If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?
“Does it have to be only one?? Well, I think I will have to pick Kings Of Leon. If I wanted to hear drunken hobos sing, I would go to a pub at 3am. It’s much cheaper and a lot more entertaining.”
What can a punter expect from your live show?
“Energetic, explosive, hypnotizing and as rockin’ as we can make it. We love to see the crowd go nuts and we love to incorporate them within the show and the music, so we bring as much energy and noise to go ’round.”
What ‘ve you got to sell CD-wise?
“Our debut EP as a four-piece rock band will be launched on May 7. It will cost $10 (awesome) and will have five tracks. We will be selling them at our gigs and online. We also have T-shirts for $15. They don’t play music but if you hug it long enough, you might hear some.”