Pirate Mafia

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Pirate Mafia


When did you start up?


What’s the most played tune in your set?

Runnin with GH

What’s the biggest myth about production ?

Anyone can do it.

What do you dislike the most about it?

Doing it.

…and like the most?

Having beers listening to it.

When and where was your first gig?

Blue Tile Lounge in 2008

Your ultimate gig would be?

Biggie Smalls. Failing that PM live from Negril, Jamaica

Favourite influences and why?

Mates, the Northeast, Carlton Draught, Stivo Classics, buds, trade life.

Two years from now, where do you wanna’ be?

Still making music with the boys.

What’s your favourite saying?

N ukka.

Upcoming gigs:

Supporting Onyx on Thursday June 9 at The Espy.