Old Etiquettes

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Old Etiquettes


Who are we chatting to and what do you do in Old Etiquettes? Jimmy Harrison (AKA J M S Harrison). I try and find tricky chords to keep myself entertained, write a few thoughts (lyrics) down, then bring them to the band and admire what the others come up with. 

What do you reckon people will say you sound like? Usually along the lines of “Wow pretty loud but cool” “What happened to the 3rd guitarist?” “You sound a bit like Glide, Swervedriver or Dinosaur Jnr”

In five words or less, what can we expect from your new album? Ten songs. Very few ballads.

What’s the best thing about playing live?  When the foldback is the perfect blend for the whole band. Everybody can hear everything on stage. Usually equals a great performance.

What do you love about making music?  The best part for me is when something has been recorded/documented/put to bed so you can then sleep at night without them just floating around your head. Then you can write the next thing.

What’s one rule of etiquette you always follow? “Consider” turning my amp down when a member of the band points out how loud I am.

What can we expect from the show?  Couple new songs from us. Panic Syndrome down from Sydney to launch their record. Beer flowing.

Any parting words?  We hope to release the album soon. Till then come grab a 7’ off us or suss tunes on Bandcamp.