Moreland & Arbuckle

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Moreland & Arbuckle


To start us off, who are we chatting with, and how do you contribute to Moreland & Arbuckle?Aaron Moreland. I play guitar.

What’s the journey been like so far?
We’ve been at it for a very long time. Being a touring musician can offer the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

What other music have you played in the past, and what is it about blues/roots that makes you so passionate about it? I’ve always played a lot of rock music. What I love about roots and blues is that it seems to be what best fits my personal style.

In all your time with Moreland & Arbuckle, what would you say has been the biggest highpoint? Getting to hang out with Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top was pretty amazing.

If you weren’t playing music, what do you reckon you’d be doing instead?
I’m a part time psychologist for the local school district. I also like to ride my motorcycle and wrench on a few cars from time to time

Finally, who or what has had the biggest influence on you musically?
Well I always say that Led Zeppelin was my favourite band ever. It’s hard to name another single entity that has influenced me more; though the influences are vast.