Major Australian cycling organisation asks government to fast-track 750km of bike lanes

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Major Australian cycling organisation asks government to fast-track 750km of bike lanes

Words by Kate Streader

The proposal also suggests implementing a paid ride-to-work scheme and tax rebates for new bicycles.

Australia’s peak cycling organisation, Bicycle Network, has proposed a six-month plan to stimulate the economy, create jobs and save lives.

The ‘Pedalling To A Better Normal’ plan includes fast-tracking the construction of 750km planned bike lanes around the country to help with social distancing and reducing congestion on Australian roads as well as incentivising commuting by bike.

If successful, the plan would see bike lanes installed within the next six months on key commuter routes in Melbourne, including St Kilda Road, Sydney Road, Rathdown Street, Exhibition Street, Royal Parade and La Trobe Street Bridge.

Lockdowns have already seen a massive spike in bike sales, with Bicycle Network’s recreational bike counts recording increases as high as 270 per cent on bike paths. To incentivise Australians to commute by bike, the plan suggests a paid ride-to-work scheme and tax rebates for new bicycles.

The six-month plan would require $904 million in funding from the federal and state governments, though Bicycle Network maintains that fast-tracking “shovel ready” bike lane projects would stimulate the economy by boosting construction jobs as well as having long-term economic benefits by reducing the strain on the health system.

“More people on bicycles is vital if Australia is to provide crucial employment and re-stimulate the economy without surrendering the ground made in saving lives. There is simply no other way for Australians to move around quickly and efficiently while maintaining their physical distance,” reads the proposal.

“Churchill said, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’ Unless Australian governments act immediately to make bicycles part of the solution, a once in a lifetime opportunity will slip through our fingers,” it continues.

Read the full Pedalling To A Better Normal plan here

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