King Parrot : Ugly Produce

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King Parrot : Ugly Produce


Why waste time with filler when you can make a fantastic album that runs for less than 30 minutes? That’s exactly what King Parrot have done with Ugly Produce. Arrive, kick arse, leave. Rollicking for ten tracks and taking absolutely no brakes, Ugly Produce rampages from beginning to end and will leave you feeling all kinds of amped.


Get yourself past the adrenaline rush though and you’ll find an album that signifies a huge step forward for the Melbourne thrash metal heavyweights. Complex songwriting, great musicianship and some new styles can all be found if you can stop yourself from headbanging too hard.


A little bit of grind, a little bit of punk, a whole lot of thrash, Ugly Produce elaborates on a few things that King Parrot have experimented with in the past and turns them into fully formed ideas with great success.


It’s hard to pick a standout track as everything just goes from one to the next, flowing nicely and never losing its rhythm. If you love metal, get this album, if you’ve always been curious about metal, get this album. If you can’t love it, never listen to metal again because this is about as good as it gets.