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You’re coming out to Australia for Splendour in the Grass and you’re playing a sideshow at The Prince in Melbourne. What do you love about playing to a live audience?

Well, it kind of takes you to a whole other level; it becomes a different thing. It’s always interesting, there’s certain things that you think are going to work and certain things that you didn’t think would work, but it’s really cool just do it all live.


You’ve trained as a chef, the new album is called Food and there are plenty of other food references in the songs.I’m guessing that’s no coincidence?

I think they go hand is hand, you know, it wasn’t really a plan. When someone asked me the name of my album and I didn’t have one, and I kind of just blurted out ‘food’, just sort of jokingly and yeah I was like, ‘Not bad’. To me, it’s sort of about lifestyle, how we nourish ourselves one way or the other.


Jerk Ribs is definitely the catchiest song on Food. What’s your secret to writing song that make people want to move?

I think if it makes me want to move, then generally it makes people want to move. It’s about what makes you feel good and kind of running with it and not thinking about it too much, but just sort of doing it.

You seem to have a lot on your plate with music, your sauces, motherhood, the food truck, a TV show, a new album, touring and all the rest of it – you’re a superwoman! How do you find the time to fit it all in?

Well my manager has added hours onto the day, didn’t you know? So many more hours in my day! Yeah, you just do what you can and you have to put your priorities in line and go from there.