Jesse James

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Jesse James


What do you love about making music? Growing up in a low class flat in Broadmeadows, my writing and language was more suited for hip hop. I love being able to put my poetry into music and create my own type of energy. I also love making music because it feels like home. It’s the only place where I feel I belong.

What message/s do you hope people take away from your music? I hope one day my music is heard world wide. I want to bring love, power and positivity to the people. Music is the greatest platform to raise awareness and I believe I have a gift to do so.

How would you describe your sound and how has it changed/grown over time? My music is unique and has my own brand of sound and language. It’s grown over time with the growth of my inner self. The more I learn about myself, the more my music changes.

Tell us about your EP My Calling. What is the story behind it? What inspired it? My EP comes from the voices inside. I always knew this was my destiny; I’ve had visions about it since I was a young child. After all the years I had no knowledge about the industry, I just had the material, but after some research I now have the knowledge to get it out there. The songs will tell you a lot about myself.