I don’t want to alarm you, but a plague of mice is taking over Melbourne

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I don’t want to alarm you, but a plague of mice is taking over Melbourne


Melbourne’s mice population is in the middle of a boom, with spring seeing the cheeky devils breed like no tomorrow. 

“The population’s quite large, and because we’re now getting colder weather they’re all coming inside,” said pest controller Peter Taylor to 3AW.

And what’s better, these mice are now looking for a place to escape the cold. Case in point? Your current sharehouse. 

“It sort of started in the country, now it’s moving into the city, first to the outer suburbs, and now into the CBD,” said Taylor. 

The wet spring and harvest season have created a perfect storm for the mice to grow tenfold in numbers. So, good news for lovers of the Stuart Little franchise I suppose. Bad news for everyone else. 

H/T: Herald Sun