Gregor drops Satanic Lullabies: ‘Like if pre-MAGA Kanye made a Disney soundtrack’

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Gregor drops Satanic Lullabies: ‘Like if pre-MAGA Kanye made a Disney soundtrack’

Photo: Danny Cohen
words by Bryget Chrisfield

On Satanic Lullabies, Melbourne new wave artist Gregor layers rich, unexpected textures over moments of chilling beauty.

Innovative, warped, unbridled and challenging, Gregor’s fourth album is a clash of contrasts as Gregor seeks to “draw attention to the similarities between heaven and hell”.

Mad props to the presser writer, who described Satanic Lullabies thus: “Like if pre-MAGA [Make America Great Again] Kanye made a Disney soundtrack.”

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The opening Prelude graduates from tinkling piano into a vibratory bass rumble that threatens to upend any objects sharing a surface with speakers: “Life is amazing/ Disturbed and elegant…” 

Innovative sounds fire the imagination throughout, with The Magic Pony’s analogue drum machine beat evoking a ping pong game/popping the inside of your cheek with index finger. The Sparkle opens with meandering keys before percussive hiccups hijack the scene. Hold up, is that a kazoo or gumleaf solo during Royal Blues? 

Lamplight transforms from a hypnotic piano meditation into a song fit for a dream sequence (Beauty School Dropout from Grease springs to mind). 

“Hazelnut heartbreak”, “a pencil in the sand that was sharpened by hand” – tuning into lyrics activates the mind’s eye. For some reason, Reality Rings Loud makes us think of the artist Shag’s visual universe as Gregor sees “a band in the sky”: “And a delicately manicured haaaand slaps the drum…”   

Darkness engulfs the soul during dramatic closer Sick Death – “If you’re sick of me, how do you think I feel about myself?… If you’re sick of me, you should kill me yourself…” – which finishes abruptly.  

Intriguing is an understatement. File Satanic Lullabies adjacent to Kirin J Callinan.