Grand Salvo @ Melba Hall

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Grand Salvo @ Melba Hall


Although it seemed like a dream, arriving at Melba Hall for the launch of the new Grand Salvo album Slay Me In My Sleep was actually a memory: Grand Salvo’s Death album was also launched here a few years back. The same foyer, the same mild night air, and a similar anticipatory audience.

Melba Hall – an antiquated theatre adorned by oil paintings of university staff, once-fashionable seats, and wood panelling – is filled before Paddy Mann and his ensemble take to the stage. Upon arrival the musicians quickly set to work, meticulously applying themselves (workman-like) to the recreation of the new Grand Salvo album.

I think it’s accurate to suggest that this album is not a wild, free-wheeling set. It is a deftly layered three-act collection. Tonight the albums songs transcended through performance; Paddy and co. incredible, focussed, mostly suited, and occasionally reading from sheet music, all of which I loved observing. Paddy’s guitar solo on How, Three Days Later  was a treat and oddly overtly dramatic, equally, the lingering end of Two Cups Sit On The Table. The amazing He Raises Her Gently Into A Chair and She Work At Three With A Thumping Heart sounded phenomenal, band in full swing yet mathematically precise in their execution of the notes.

Tonight was a genuine celebration of a resonant work. To witness Paddy and his merry crew enjoying the chance to purvey the space, the inlays, the ornate corners of Slay Me In My Sleep, for they are exquisite and seemingly delicate, and exposing them live is a rarity – a joyous one.


LOVED: The sound of the piano resonating for what seemed like infinity.

HATED: The show ending.

DRANK: It all in.