Five Ordinary Things That Are Actually Extraordinary with Sean Heathcliff

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Five Ordinary Things That Are Actually Extraordinary with Sean Heathcliff


Pepper Savoys. I imagine they’d be easy to walk past at the store if you didn’t have a personal relationship with them. I think most people expect them to be a dry biscuit, made for retirees who are hoping to spice up their day. But I’m not fooled. They are without doubt the greatest cracker ever built.

Tun Bitters. 30 cans of nicely cooled froth for a wonderful price, these low priced high quality beverages are incredibly important for my household and most likely the reason I have any visitors at all.

The newspaper. Sure a lot of them are full of rubbish, but it’s a much better way of reading the news. You have a coffee or a glass of milk and you spend time with your paper. You don’t just read headlines, because you want to get your money’s worth. It’s here that you find something you didn’t already know about. Plus you get sudoku and a quiz.

Airport lounge. Airports are awful. The lounge is amazing. It’s quiet and has comfy chairs. There’s an all you can eat/drink buffet and power points on every table. It’s really special.

That little pocket inside your pocket. I don’t think I’ll ever know the true reason for their design, but I will always be very grateful for it. It’s perfect for picks. I can’t put into words the satisfaction I feel when I look in that pocket and find one. Picks are notorious for being easy to lose and incredibly hard to find. The pick pocket is very extraordinary.