Five Fun Facts About Toy Pianos with Alexa Dexa

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Five Fun Facts About Toy Pianos with Alexa Dexa


Toy piano hammers hit cylindrical metal tines unlike their larger string-based counterparts. 

 If you’re too shy to initiate conversation everywhere you go, a toy piano acts as a handy ice breaker. Most people will want to chat with you about it.

Tuning a toy piano requires a bit of guesswork. To make a note sharper, shave down a metal tine little by little. To make a note flatter, add a dab of hot glue to a metal tine until the desired pitch is reached. 

An 18-key baby grand Schoenhut toy piano is an easy travel companion fitting snugly under the seat in front of you on airplanes and making a great writing desk on your lap on buses. 

 In the Peanuts comic/cartoon, Schroeder plays the small piano, not Linus. Linus sucks his thumb and holds a blanket. You’d be amazed how many people ask me if I’m carrying Linus’ piano.